

    Material Dosing System



    Vacuum Dough Mixer



    Dough Feeder



    Compound Rollers



    Aging Chamber



    Press Rollers






    Auto Tray Stacker


  • Mixing flour and water by the design stirs with the vacuum device to speed up the bonding effect of dough. Our Vacuum dough mixer can create the high quality dough you need for the noodle production.  麵食專用攪拌棒設計。 真空加速麵團水合作用。 變頻控制,可依客戶配方製程調速。 麵團品質更穩定不升溫。 人機介面設計,紀錄生產製程、參數、稼動率。 配置光學感應器及安全開關。 符合CE安全認證。 與食品接觸面皆為不鏽鋼或食品級材料。

    Vacuum Dough Mixer 真空和麵機

    Mixing flour and water by the design stirs with the vacuum device to speed up the bonding effect of dough. Our Vacuum dough mixer can create the high quality dough you need for the noodle production.

    • 麵食專用攪拌棒設計。
    • 真空加速麵團水合作用。
    • 變頻控制,可依客戶配方製程調速。
    • 麵團品質更穩定不升溫。
    • 人機介面設計,紀錄生產製程、參數、稼動率。
    • 配置光學感應器及安全開關。
    • 符合CE安全認證。
    • 與食品接觸面皆為不鏽鋼或食品級材料。
    After mixing process, the dough will go through the plate or conveyor feeder, the dough will become ripe and aging here then go forward to compounding. 輸送帶式或圓盤式。 自動感應進出料。 麵團破碎器防止物料架橋。 輔助壓料機幫助六輪複合機吃料。 與食品接觸面皆為不鏽鋼或食品級材料。

    Dough Feeder 供料機

    After mixing process, the dough will go through the plate or conveyor feeder, the dough will become ripe and aging here then go forward to compounding.

    • 輸送帶式或圓盤式。
    • 自動感應進出料。
    • 麵團破碎器防止物料架橋。
    • 輔助壓料機幫助六輪複合機吃料。
    • 與食品接觸面皆為不鏽鋼或食品級材料。
    Compound Rollers 六輪複合機:Totally three pairs of rollers in compounding process. The upper two pairs of rollers makes the dough pieces into two individual sheets, and then the third pair of rollers combines theses two dough sheets into one sheet. 將麵團粒壓製成麵皮並複合成麵帶。 獨立直接傳動。 自動調速、麵厚控制。 與食品接觸面皆為不鏽鋼或食品級材料。

    Compound Rollers 六輪複合機

    Totally three pairs of rollers in compounding process.

    The upper two pairs of rollers makes the dough pieces into two individual sheets, and then the third pair of rollers combines theses two dough sheets into one sheet.

    • 將麵團粒壓製成麵皮並複合成麵帶。
    • 獨立直接傳動。
    • 自動調速、麵厚控制。
    • 與食品接觸面皆為不鏽鋼或食品級材料。
    broken image

    Aging Chamber 醒麵箱(Optional)

    The dough sheet will go through this chamber for aging and ripening, this is helpful to get the higher quality noodles.
    • 溫濕度自動調節:23~30℃/75~95% RH。
    • 醒麵時程可設定:建議15~25分鐘。
    • 醒麵可有效增加麵體筋度。
    • 箱體附檢視窗,可增設攝像檢視。
    • 與食品接觸面皆為不鏽鋼或食品級材料。
    Our continuous press rollers will pinning the dough sheet to the exact thickness you need for the next slicing, stick, fried, and air-dried noodle production. 依需求搭配4/6/8段壓延機,將麵帶壓延扎實。 獨立直接傳動。 自動控速,麵厚控制。 依麵體需求可搭配3~8段壓延製程。 壓花滾輪 (選配)。 與食品接觸面皆為SUS304。 各段配置光學感應器及安全開關控制麵皮製程。

    Press Rollers 滾輪壓延機

    Our continuous press rollers will pinning the dough sheet to the exact thickness you need for the next slicing, stick, fried, and air-dried noodle production.

    • 依需求搭配4/6/8段壓延機,將麵帶壓延扎實。
    • 獨立直接傳動。
    • 自動控速,麵厚控制。
    • 依麵體需求可搭配3~8段壓延製程。
    • 壓花滾輪 (選配)。
    • 與食品接觸面皆為SUS304。
    • 各段配置光學感應器及安全開關控制麵皮製程。
    Noodles Slicer 切麵機:Our noodle slicer can make the dough sheet into custom size noodles. It can be combined with waving device to match the further steam process. 切製成各式麵條,可客製化尺寸形式。 刀具經特殊處理加工,使用壽命延長三倍。 與食品接觸面皆為不鏽鋼或食品級材料。

    Noodles Slicer 切麵機

    Our noodle slicer can make the dough sheet into custom size noodles.

    It can be combined with waving device to match the further steam process.

    • 切製成各式麵條,可客製化尺寸形式。
    • 刀具經特殊處理加工,使用壽命延長三倍。
    • 與食品接觸面皆為不鏽鋼或食品級材料。
    Noodle Rolling Machine 捲麵機(Optional):To arrange the noddles into rolls for the next packing process or easier grab it directly. 將麵條自動成捲,方便後續包裝或使用。 與食品接觸面皆為不鏽鋼或食品級材料。

    Noodle Rolling Machine 捲麵機(Optional)

    To arrange the noddles into rolls for the next packing process or easier grab it directly.

    • 將麵條自動成捲,方便後續包裝或使用。
    • 與食品接觸面皆為不鏽鋼或食品級材料。
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    Steam treatment unit 蒸煮設備


    KEKO's steam treatment unit makes noodles in well gelatinization by a hygienic, stable and efficient process.

    • 麵條要好吃的重要步驟之一
    • 與食品接觸面皆為不鏽鋼或食品級材料。

    Forming unit 整形分切設備


    Noodles are cut into specific weights and individually folded into shapes for packaging.

    • 將麵條裁切後裝入容器模定型。
    • 與食品接觸面皆為不鏽鋼或食品級材料。

    Patented Baking, Drying and

    Sterilization System 專利殺菌烘烤設備


    Our drying system is using hot dried air to take the remaining moisture out of the shaped noodles to ensure the end product stayed its form, better texture and longer shelf life by a healthier drying process.

    • 以仿自然風乾的方式來乾燥麵條。
    • 與食品接觸面皆為不鏽鋼或食品級材料。

    Auto Tray Stacker 全自動托盤裝卸設備

    A servomotor system for automated handling of boards, trays, pans and baskets.

    • 伺服馬達控制
    • 用於自動處理底板、托盤、平底鍋和籃子的裝卸。
    • 與食品接觸面皆為不鏽鋼或食品級材料。